Sit In the Company of Life
In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of taking intentional breaks—whether a full Sunday pause or shorter intervals throughout the day—cannot be overstated. These pauses offer us…
New Year, New You
As the calendar flips to a new year, millions of people around the globe vow to make transformative changes in their lives. From eating healthier to exercising more, from quitting smoking to saving…
Go Into the Storm
When a storm is approaching, cattle turn and run while buffalo charge into it. How do you respond to the storms in your life? Do you follow the path of the cow, running away, or the path of the…
Science Says Sigh
Do you remember the last time that you let out a big granddaddy sigh? Felt pretty good, eh? Science says there’s a reason for all that goodness AND that you can invite it in, at will, any time. …
Do Hard Things
What separates those who succeed from the rest of the pack? HARD THINGS! Hard things are the wall that must be overcome to move from mediocre to exceptional. Albert E.N. Gray, in The Common…
You Need to Calm Down
1 in 3 Canadians will be affected by mental illness during their lifetime. How many people are in your family? If you counted more than three, one of you is likely to be affected by mental…
The Word Made Flesh
Researchers in the field of neuroscience have been revealing a new world in which the presumed division between mind (psyche) and body (soma) appears purely illusory. Although this psychosomatic…
Training Spiritual Health
Have you skipped an exam question because you didn’t know the answer only to return it later and somehow the answer has become clear? Even though you moved on, in some back room, your brain…
Thrive in Five
An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Are you suffering from the law of inertia? …
Where do You Get Your Energy?
Recently, I went solar. Eleven panels installed on the roof absorb the energy of the sun and funnel it directly into the house to satisfy all my family’s electrical needs. It feels good to be…
CRY: April Showers Bring…
It’s dry, really dry, both on the land and in the eyes of the people who live upon it. People prefer smiles and sunshine. The gifts of birth, growth and renewal suffer in the process. Restoring…
Walking the Rainbow
The extraordinary intelligence of Albert Einstein has fascinated scientists and the general public alike. One of the most quoted expressions of that intelligence is, “No problem can be solved by the…