
Are you still flying by the seat of your pants? Do you hit the ground running to the sound of your alarm? In the November 17, Choose Your Path, post I recommended identifying one little word that captured the essence of what you would like to create in 2022, based on your 2021 review. I know it is difficult to find the time to look ahead when you’re dodging the bullets of right now, however, making this investment in yourself will pay big happiness dividends.

The purpose of this post is both to stretch your mind and provide practical support. Let’s start the former off talking about numerology. “Numero-what?” Numerology. The study of numbers that considers the significance of individual digits that make up a year, birthdate, anniversary or correspond to letters in a name. I know. This is some woo woo stuff!

When interpreting the numbers of a year, the first two numbers set the major theme for the century. Two is cooperation and balance. Zero is inner gifts. The 20, then, in 2022 sets the stage for each of us to bring out the best we have individually for the benefit of all. “All for one and one for all.” It’s a Three Musketeers century!

Anytime you create an environment that forces people to work together, conflict is going to arise. Think about it. It is much easier to just do your own thing and let everyone else do their’s. But when someone else’s thing is connected to your thing, uh-oh, there’s going to be trouble (i.e. global pandemic, vaccination - need I say more?) Therefore, the story of the number 2 begins with oppositional tension of two opposing forces that must find common ground to resolve.

In the body, these two oppositional forces are the right and left brain. The female and male energies respectively. This is your inner marriage. And, in an age defined by divorce, it’s no surprise that there is a battle going on in there. The solution? Find the common ground. If you haven’t worked through the 2021 review in the, Choose Your Path post now is the time. 

2021 12 01 Breathe Your Way smI promised the practical as well as the far out. If you want to build a bigger bicep, you go to the gym and lift weights, right? The exercise stimulates physiological changes and you actually grow a bigger bicep. Your brain isn’t any different. You can train your brain. The technique of alternate nostril breathing stimulates balance between your brain hemispheres so that, like a healthy marriage, the unique gifts of these different worlds cooperate to make dreams happen. That’s the 22 in 2022. The last two digits define the flavour of how the energy of the first two digits will manifest. 

Two digit numbers express the duality of male and female. A double number, like 22, signals the balance between the these polar forces. Male and female, left and right hemispheres, are on the same page. This is a master number. In numerology, 22 is defined as the “Master Builder”. The energy is ripe in 2022 to create your dreams. So, you better get breathing!

Breathing assimilates the outer with the inner. The energy of the year exists as a potentiality. You have to integrate that energy to benefit. Alternate nostril breathing will align your mind with the creative potential of your environment. Ready to Practice? See the October 7 post, Balance Your Body and Brain, for instructions on alternate nostril breathing…but remember, you don’t build a bicep with one lift.

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