
Thank you for your interest in finding out more about The Sacred Line. The Sacred Line is a reference to the head and spine. Did you realize that the vertical orientation of the head and spine in humans makes us completely unique compared to other life forms on this planet? It is this orientation of head above and spine below that provides us with the ability to see the bigger picture and become stewards of life and keepers of the Earth.

Sacred Line Spirituality is dedicated to supporting humanity in this process of realizing our own true nature. I believe that understanding who we are and why we’re here is the only real solution to the critical challenges we are currently facing such as prejudice, corruption, climate change, environmental destruction and global dis-ease in the form of COVID-19, to name a few.

Over the course of my lifetime, I have placed a great deal of focus on education. Education, that is, in the true meaning of the word which, according to the word’s origins, is to, “bring out what’s within”. What is within us is life. Some call it the Great Mystery. I believe the mystery of this life reveals itself as we seek to understand it. The sacred line of the head and spine provides everyone an equal opportunity to make that journey.

Over the course of the millennium and beyond, man has developed many paths toward spiritual understanding. As applied here, “man” is being used in its original form as expressed through ancient languages like Sanskrit and Latin, meaning “mind”. I see Human as communicating two truths. The first part, “hu”, I believe derives from “hue”, referring to colour. Combined with the second part, man, “human”, refers to “coloured mind”. The coloured mind is an accurate description of our shared humanity. Our essence is composed of seven different levels of consciousness that form a rainbow bridge in the form of the sacred line of the head and spine. Unification of these seven different expressions of light, results in a return to our source – divine white light. This is science. The visible colour spectrum is born from white light. White light contains all colours of the rainbow. Essentially, humans are electromagnetic waves of light, reflections of consciousness. Art in form. How that light is expressed and experienced at any moment is a reflection of an individual’s frame of mind which organizes the seven levels of consciousness in a completely unique way. Each colour, or level of consciousness, has infinite shades of possibility and, when mixed together, those infinite possibilities grow exponentially beyond comprehension.

The word “religion” is a combination of the prefix, “re”, meaning “again” and “ligion” which is an adaptation of “legion”, meaning, “to unite”. Religion means, “to unite again”. Religions and other spiritual practices were intended to provide pathways to understanding our true nature. Those pathways developed within the context of specific environments, groups of people and ways of life that created cultures of understanding. These ways of understanding, literally communal arrangements of the seven colours of consciousness, often lead to exclusion and judgement of other ways of understanding the essential nature of life. So much so, in fact, that the wars and unrest that religion and other fundamental ways of looking at the world caused, turned me away from them. I questioned how these different perspectives could be helpful when they created hate and separation rather than love and unity. This line of thought lead me to spirituality. I see spirituality differently than religion. Spirituality recognizes and celebrates spirit, the essential nature of life. It does not differentiate between Buddhism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Judaism or Islam. All paths are equally great in spirituality as it is founded on the principle of, “Many paths, One destination.”

2109 09 27 caduceusWe all share spirit. “Spirit” finds its word origins in Latin, meaning, “life or breath”. This animating force is the first of three primary common denominators shared by all humanity. The second is the body. We all have a body and the breath. The awareness made possible by the presence of the head and spine is the third factor. We are aware of the body and the breath through the consciousness that exists in the form of head and spine.

Sacred Line Spirituality is a call back to the common denominators of humanity. It is a focus on how we are the same rather than how we are different. It rises above various labels of the mind like God, Creator, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Christian, Hindu and Jain to focus on the shared truth. For this reason, I chose to launch Sacred Line Spirituality on the first annual Truth and Reconciliation Day. I believe we can all reconcile with the truth. We have all been gifted The Way. That way is within in the form of the rainbow bridge of the head and spine. The Caduceus (pictured right) represents a road map to that highest level of knowing, symbolizing how to transform the functioning of the human nervous system to realize enlightenment, meaning the understanding of the light within – our essential nature.

If you would like to experience peace in your life and across the globe, I encourage you to “Join the Line”, the Sacred Line. Together, we can share the world.

© Sacred Line Spirituality 2025