
Have you ever wondered who you are and why you’re here? These aren’t the types of questions that you can type into Google.

2023 06 23 Train Your Mind smLuckily, meditation can provide practical insight into life’s big questions so that you can live with meaning and purpose.

Meditation is a learnable skill. In the 2023-24 Meditation Teacher Training program, you’ll learn how to meditate. In fact, you not only learn how to meditate but are supported in developing a consistent practice through our weekly group meetings and structured home journal component.

The weekly group practice is like the heartbeat of the program. It holds the space in your calendar to touch base with like-minded people each week, address challenges as they arise in your life and your practice and generally keep you on track through the course of this transformational period.

Your home practice is your living lab. It is the time you set aside to experiment with the techniques that you cover in class, gradually identifying your own unique style. Your meditation journals serve as a record of your experiences noting the changes that are occurring in your life and on your cushion. When your motivation wanes, these notes will remind you of the positive benefits of your practice and help you stay committed.

Our program is a very down-to-earth approach to meditation grounded in science. The root of the program is Vipassana or “Insight” meditation. Insight meditation helps you see your life objectively. With this bigger picture perspective, you’ll understand the meaning behind circumstances and events and be able to apply that insight to move closer to the life you desire. The more you practice the more effective you’ll become.

How your brain functions changes with meditation. The reactionary fight, flight and freeze centre called the amygdala calms down and more of your perspective and decisions flow from the “wise leader” of your prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is the home of executive functions like planning, time management, self-control and self-awareness. You’ll become the CEO of your life!

This program walks you right into your head office, guiding you up the inner staircase formed by neural centres or chakras in your head and spine. These centres make up the seven levels of the mind. Each month, we meet for one Saturday dedicated to clearing, cleaning, re-organizing, and understanding a specific chakra. By year’s end, you not only understand the inner workings of the mind, but you have transformed your own and programmed it to create more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

Finally, the teaching component of the program is primarily intended to build confidence as you deepen your grasp of the knowledge and practices. If you choose to teach, great or, if you’ve taken the program for your own personal growth, you’ll benefit yourself and the world around you by living more joyfully.

So why choose us? Our program teaches you the science of meditation, supports you in the application of that science through personal and group practice in addition to providing you with practical teaching hours to find your voice and develop your mastery of the material. All of this is packaged in your own personal journey of transformation where you gain insight into the vision for your life and make it your reality.  That’s guaranteed to have a lasting impact!

To find out more about the program, visit www.yogadotcalm.com and join me, Paul Larmer, for the free information session at Yogadotcalm Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 4:30 pm.

© Sacred Line Spirituality 2025